Jess Dowell
Ciao from Florence!
This morning we packed up our things had a quick breakfast and left our hostel at Venice to board the train for Florence. We had a few minutes at the train station to grab some last minute gifts and send some post cards home before the group lugged their heavy bags aboard the train. It was a quick trip with most of the kiddies having a short nap to catch up on some much needed sleep. Once we arrived we quickly got our bags, left the station and headed off for the hotel, everyone was really excited to be staying in something other than a hostel and having a shower to ourselves.
Once we’d all settled in and unpacked our bags we set off for a long walk to Piazza Michelangelo. Along the way we were able to have a quick look at some of the busy markets and leather shops. The millions of stairs leading towards the park was exhausting but was well worth the view and nice relaxing picnic we had. We were able to do a bit of sightseeing and buy a few more things to add to our collection of souvenirs.
After we had finished, the group, led by the teachers, went on a Laundromat hunt as most of us were desperate to wash our clothes and getting a tad bit smelly. It felt like we were walking for ages but we managed to spot a few out so we split into groups and excitedly rushed off to do our washing, for some it was the first wash of the trip. One group had their washing and drying done in no time while others did not have as much luck. My group led by Mr Boyd had trouble getting the machines to work so we had to rush like crazy to get everyone’s clothes done then had the quickest dry in history.
When our interesting laundry experience was over we chucked all our clothes up in our rooms and hung out the wet one. Some of the girls set the alarm off as they thought it was a clothes line.