Day 5
Heather Wortes
Bonjour from the train from Villers Bretonneux (Amiens) to Paris!
We’re all very tired and sad because we just waved and hugged (and some cried) to our host families. We had the best three days with them, their hospitality was just amazing; giving us presents, taking us to dinner, shopping and the beach (I’d never walked on sand with joggers and 3 jumpers before).
All of the families and students from the French school and our school (they call it a college over here and teachers are ‘professors’) came together at a local hall in Villers Bretonneux for a party last night. The younger French students sang some traditional French songs as well as Waltzing Matilda, when we got up on stage and helped them sing.
We sat together, French and Aussie, and ate dinner, and then we taught them to Bush Dance. Mr Deitz was on the microphone, giving instructions and Mr Boyd played the Lagerphone (bottle top covered broom) while we danced the ‘Heel and Toe Polka’, ‘Stockyards’ and ‘The Drongo’. There were a lot of feet getting stepped on and smiles all round. I even managed to knock a French man’s glasses off! Emma had the great idea of doing the ‘Macarena’ and it got all of our billets up dancing. Then they taught us how to do the French version of ‘The Nut bush’ called ‘The Madison’.
The night didn’t end until after 1 o’clock, many photos, laughs and new friends later. Waking up at 7 this morning to catch the train was rather hard, but there was a yummy French breakfast waiting as well as chocolates for some.
Overall the billet experience taught us a lot about the French culture, which actually isn’t so very different to ours! I’ll certainly remember eating escargot for the first time, Juliette and Baptiste (ages 14 and 17) could not believe I liked it. They told me French teenagers hate it, but I thought it was really good. Despite the language barrier, with our billets’ enthusiasm and the new French words we learnt, our stay with the French families will be one we will never forget.
Au Revoir for now! And Joyeuses Paques (Happy Easter)