This excursion is designed to allow students to see parts of the world directly relating to some of their key learning areas as a senior student at Tumut High.
The trip includes activities which are of interest across many subject areas, including History, Ancient History, Geography, Languages, English, Creative and Performing Arts, Science, PD/H/PE and of course the Mathematics of getting there. It is an opportunity to experience sites and study in an interactive and exciting way. It is also an opportunity to get to know other students in the year group in a different context and to enjoy each others company.
A significant benefit of this trip is the personal development and maturity students can gain from this adventure. It will stand them in good stead for life after school no matter what their dreams and pathways are.
The Blakeney Millar Foundation in Tumut supports this trip. It pays for the teachers to accompany, guide, and lead students on the excursion. The Blakeney Millar Foundation wants to communicate to students and their families, with the schools support, that this trip should be available to any student, who wants to go, (and is eligible to participate by the school's standards and are medically fit). The Blakeney Millar Foundation can assist students in gaining part-time work which will help fund the journey. They can also help students save by having their wages put into a trust fund for travel, and can financially assist needy students who apply to travel in 2010.
The 2010 trip has also received generous financial support from the Bendigo Bank - Adelong, the Tumut RSL Sub-Branch, Sounds of the Mountains FM 96.3 & FM 94.3, the Tumut Shire Youth Council, Daryl Maguire MP, Russell Stevensons and Swans of Tumut. The support of these local organisations has allowed the inclusion of several unique opportunities as well as reducing the overall cost per student. We would like to thank the Blakeney Millar Foundation and these local groups supporting the 2010 trip.
The 2010 Tumut High School Continental Europe trip is held predominately during the Easter school vacation period. Students on this year's trip will visit Paris, Amiens, Villers Bretonneux, Lausanne, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Naples, Pompeii and Rome (click on the above image).
As we make our way across France, Switzerland and Italy, be sure to visit our blog site and stay tuned to Sounds of the Mountains FM 96.3 & FM 94.3 for regular updates on our incredible adventure.